为了解三峡库区长江水非O_1群霍乱弧菌L型的流行病学状况,1994~1998年作者在三峡库区选三地取长江水同时进行非 O_1群霍乱弧菌与非O_1群霍乱弧菌L 型的检测(培养温度与采样时水温一致).结果发现非 O_1群霍乱弧菌L型冬天阳性检出率较高,夏天阳性检山率较低(P<0.01)。但各月份总阳性率无明显差异(P>0.1)。非O_1群霍乱弧菌L型返祖记回复后证实为非O_1群霍乱弧菌。表明非O_1群霍乱弧菌L型为非O_1群霍乱弧菌越冬的一种重要形式.在卫生监督中,应加强对非O_1群霍乱弧菌L 型的监测.
In order to investigate the epidemology of non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form in chang jiang river. Since 1994, the study of non - O_1 Vibrio cholerae and non - O_1 Vibrio cholerae L - form of water samples were carried out, temperature of culture was the same as that of changjiang river when samples were collected. The results showed that positive rates of non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form was comparatively high in winter, and low in summer (p<0.01), However, there were no signficant difference among total positive rates (non-O_1, Vibrio cholerae or non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form) of each month (p>0.1), pure culture of non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form after atavistic induction are parental non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae. It is found that non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form might be an important variation of non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae to adapt to winter, the surveillance of not only non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae, but non-O_1 Vibrio cholerae L-form should be done in the analysis of water pollution.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Non - O_1 Vibrio Cholerae L - form
Bacterial L - form
Atavistic Induction
Water pollution Epidemiology.