

Modeling the Timing Choice of Firm's Business Metabolism
摘要 企业是一个多商务单元构成的动态系统,企业战略化行为依赖于其新旧商务代谢,并借此保持旺盛的生命力。企业商务代谢行为过程充满着诸多的不确定性,新商务引入行为和旧商务退出过程是相互依赖的,新商务进入时机影响着旧商务退出行为,同样,旧商务退出时机选择从新商务进入与运营绩效紧密相关。为此,运用实物期权方法,构建了企业新旧商务代谢的时机选择模型,选取影响企业转型的组织与环境等因素,提出了新旧商务代谢行为影响机制。 A firm is a dynamic system with multi-business-units, and its strategic behavior depends on the metaboly of its business models, as may sustain its vigorous vitality. During the trade-off of dynamic capabilities shifting from old business model to the new one, the entry of a new business must accompany With the exit of the old one, and there is a consistent relationship between the two. Thus it is critical for the metabolism of firm's business models to choose the entry timing of a new business and the exit timing of the existing one. This paper proposes that the strategic timing of the trade-offs is determined by such variables as organizational and environmental elements. Using real options approach, the strategic timing of the business metabolism is identified.
作者 潘安成
出处 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI 2012年第5期649-654,661,共7页 Journal of Systems & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71072109) 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(71031002)
关键词 战略创业 商务代谢 战略时机选择 实物期权 strategic entrepreneuring business model metabolism strategic timing real option
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