
双层黏土地基极限承载力的多块体上限解 被引量:1

Multi-block Upper Bound Solutions for the Two-layer Clay Foundations
摘要 采用多块体上限方法,通过自编程序分析研究了双层黏土地基极限承载力问题。计算了不同参数h0/B以及cu1/cu2时的地基承载力系数Nc',并与其它文献的计算结果进行了对比,深入探讨了双层黏土地基极限承载力系数Nc'受上述参数影响的规律。基于多块体上限法求解所获得的双层黏土地基破坏面信息,研究了不同参数h0/B及cu1/cu2下双层地基破坏面的变化规律,从而给出了地基承载力系数Nc'随上述参数变化的内在原因。 Bearing capacity calculations for the two-layer clay strip foundations are presented with the muhi-block upper bound method. The values of the beating capacity factor No' are decided for different ho/B and ca1/ca2 with the multi-block upper bound method. Comparisons are made with the solutions obtained from other literatures. The influence of the foundation parameters mentioned above on the No' values is discussed intensively and the laws are shown subsequently. The failure envelops for the two-layer clay foundations obtained by the multi-block upper bound method are also presented here for different parameters of ho/B and ca1/ca2. The changing laws of the failure envelops are also shown in this paper. The influence laws of the above mentioned parameters on the value of Nc can be found from that on the failure envelops.
出处 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2012年第9期40-43,39,共5页 Building Science
基金 中国建筑股份有限公司科技研发课题(CSCEC-2010-Z-01-5-05)
关键词 地基承载力 多块体上限解 极限分析 双层黏土 bearing capacity multi-block upper bound solutions limit analysis two-layer clay
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