
血吸虫病并存疾病 被引量:1

Comorbidity of the Shistosomiasis
摘要 目的:旨在提高对血吸虫病并存疾病的认识。材料与方法:收集在本院住院并经手术和病理证实为血吸虫病并存其它疾病14例,其中10例作过X线(含CT)检查。对血吸虫病并存病种、部位及X线检查(含CT)所见作一分析。结果:肺部血吸虫病并存肺炎性假瘤1例;右上肺血吸虫病并存右上肺结核、曲菌病1例;右肺下叶肺囊肿癌变、囊壁和囊壁外有血吸虫卵(钙化)1例;血吸虫病并存大肠癌7例;并存胃癌1例;并存肝癌1例。结论:血吸虫病可与很多疾病并存。本组病例一部分并存疾病之间存在因果关系,一部分并存疾病可能是偶合。所以对血吸虫病的并存疾病都应进一步收集病例,进行流行病学和实验医学研究,以确定有无因果关系。血吸虫病并存疾病在常规X线表现和CT表现上与并存疾病本来的表现没有什么特征性的不同。只能靠手术和病理所见才能鉴别。 Purpose: Improved the knowledge on the comorbidity.of the schistosomiasis.Materials and Methods:Collected 14 in patients.with comorbidity of the schistosomiasis,which probed by operation and pathology. 10 cases have X-ray examination(include CT) and analyse,the kind location,and the Sppearance of X-ray(include CT) of the comorbidity.of the schistosomiasis.Results: The Pulmonary schistosomiasis combined with inflammatoty Pseudotumor of lung (l case).The right super Pulmonary schistosomiasis combined with right super lobe tuberculosis coexist aspergillomycosis (l case).The carcerization in right inferior pulmonny cyst and the schistosome ovum,on and out the cyst hall.7cases schistosomiasis coexist carcinoma of large intestine (l case).Coexist carcinoma of stomach(1 case). Coexist hepatic carcinoma(l case).conclusion:The schistosomiasis can coexist many kinds of disease.Some comorbidity have causal relation in this group.A Part of them is possibly coupling.so should go a step further to collect the case.and do epidemiological survey and experimental study to confirm their causal relation.There is no special difference between the x-ray and CT appearance of it and the primary appearance of the comorbidity just depend on operation and pathology to distinguish it.
出处 《现代医用影像学》 2000年第1期7-10,共4页 Modern Medical Imageology
关键词 血吸虫病 并存疾病 常规X线表现 CT Schistosomiasis Comorbidity X-ray CT
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