目的 :对高原地区卡车驾驶员腰痛的状况进行调查。方法 :本研究通过发放腰痛调查表和实地考察的方式 ,对 669名在青藏高原实际驾龄在 3年以上的载重卡车驾驶员腰痛的状况进行了调查。本组调查对象平均年龄 2 7.0 7岁。结果 :( 1)高原地区卡车驾驶员腰痛患病率为 95 .0 7% ,明显腰痛者占 67.12 %。 ( 2 )高原地区卡车驾驶员腰痛发病时的平均驾龄为 2 .5~ 3 .0 2 7年。 ( 3 )高原地区卡车驾驶员腰痛程度随开车年限增加而加重。结论 :通过实地考察我们发现高原汽车驾驶员高发腰痛与特殊地理环境和气候变化、特殊工作方式、高原缺氧反应等因素有关。
Objective: The purpose of this study is to survey the incidence of and factors for low back pain of truck drivers in plateau area.Method: 669 younger soldiers who had driven truck in plateau for more than three years were investigated by questionnaires.Result:1.The incidence of low back pain of the drivers in plateau is 95.07%; 2.The average period of driving is 2.5~3.027 years; 3.The low back pain degree of the drivers is gradually severe with the length of dring increasing in plateau area.Conclusion:We find that the climate of plateau,the reaction of hypo oxygen in plateau and the special geographic condition is contribute to the high incidence of low back pain of the drivers in plateau.
Orthopedic Journal of China