
细菌鞭毛系统的研究进展 被引量:6

Research Progress on Flagellar System
摘要 鞭毛是许多细菌用于推动自身运动的细胞器。运动能够帮助细菌趋向有利环境或躲避有害环境。鞭毛还在细菌底物吸附、生物膜形成和病原侵染过程中起着很重要的作用。因此,鞭毛对细菌的生存和与其他细菌的竞争至关重要。鞭毛的表达需要超过40个基因的参与,其合成和工作是一个非常耗能的过程,所以其基因的表达和组装是受到严格调控的。对鞭毛系统的研究有助于更深入地了解基因的表达调控机理,认识微生物对环境的适应性和应用仿生学制造机械马达等。该研究将重点关注于鞭毛系统的表达调控。 Flagella are extremely effective organelles used by a variety of bacteria and archaea for locomotion.Flagellar motility can help bacteria moving toward favorable environments or avoiding harmful environments.Flagella also play an important role in adhesion to substrates,biofilm formation and virulence process.Thus,flagella are crucial for bacteria survival and successful competition with other micro-organisms.The expression of flagella needs the participation of more than 40 genes,their biosynthesis and function are energy-consuming processes.Thus,the gene expression and assembly of flagella are stringently regulated.The research on the flagellar system will help to have a better understanding of gene regulation mechanism,the adaptation of bacteria to environments and to construct bionic motor.This review focused on the regulation of flagellar system.
作者 曾县平
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第27期13215-13217,13222,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 鞭毛 运动 组装 调控 Flagella Motility Assembly Regulation
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