
生长断层活动强度定量研究的主要方法评述 被引量:39

Review of Methods with Quantitative Studies of Activity Intensity of the Growth Fault
摘要 目前,定量研究生长断层活动强度的主要方法有生长指数法、古落差法、断层活动速率法、(古)滑距法和断层位移—长度关系分析法等。在前人研究的基础上,对这些方法进行系统的补充和总结。从不同方法的提出、判别、前提假设、优缺点和关系对比等方面,进行介绍和评述。并通过实例分析,用生长指数法、古落差法、断层活动速率法和断层位移—长度关系分析法计算大张坨断层的活动强度,指出不同方法的优缺点。最后对生长断层活动定量研究方法的发展趋势进行了预测,认为生长断层活动定量研究向精度不断提高、多种方法综合运用、对断层活动演化研究更全面、揭示更多的地质和油气信息等方面发展。 At present, the methods with quantitative studies of activity intensity of growth fault include growth index, ancient fault throw, fault activity rate, (ancient) sliding distance and the normal fault displacement-length relationship analysis. On the basis of previous research, this paper complements and summarizes these methods systemically. There methods are introduced and reviewed from the perspectives of proposing and distinguishing, the presuppositions and assumptions, the advantages and disadvantages, the comparison of different methods and their relationships. Through case studies, activity intensity of the Dazhangtuo fault with the methods of growth index, the ancient fault throw, fault activity rate and the normal fault displacement-length relationship analysis are calculated and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are pointed out. Finally, the development trend of growth fault activity in quantitative research is forecasted. It is believed that the accuracy will be improved continuously, a variety of methods will be used, the evolution of fauh will be more comprehensively studied, more geological and petroleum information will be revealed.
作者 雷宝华
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期947-956,共10页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"千里岩隆起的构造形态及其地质意义"(编号:41106060)资助
关键词 生长断层 活动强度 定量研究 方法对比 Growth faults Intensity of activities Quantitative research Method of comparison.
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