举世瞩目的长江三峡工程于 1 994年 1 2月正式开工 ,安装 2 6台 70 0MW水轮发电机组 ,计划 2 0 0 3年第一批机组发电 ,2 0 0 9年建成 ,是一项跨世纪的宏伟工程。由于三峡工程自然条件和以防洪为主的需要 ,电站运行水头变幅大 ,增加了机组设计制造的难度 ,要求机电设备运行可靠 ,技术先进。国内制造部门、科研院所与高等院校密切合作 ,开展科技攻关 ,消化吸收引进先进技术 。
The world famous three gorge project was officially launched on December 14, 1994, and 26 700 MW hydraulic power generating sets were scheduled to be installed so that the first power generating set would start power generation in 2003 and the installation of all the 26 power generating sets would be completed by 2009. The natural conditions at three gorges, flood control being the primary porpose of the project, and the dramatic changes in water head at the power stations made the design and fabrication of power generating sets difficult, and required the power generating sets be advanced in technology and reliable in operation. The chinese manufacturers, research institutes, universities and colleges closely cooperated with each other to digest imported advanced techniques thereby greatly promoting the development of China's power generating set manufacturing capability.
Heilongjiang Electric Power
three gorge project
power generating sets
hydraulic power generating sets