Objective To investigate drug-resistance and carriage of virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) isolated from children. Method Thirty-eight strains of Pa were collected and isolated in pediatric clinic during 2006-2009, and tests were undertaken to identify bacteria and susceptibility test was performed using VITEK-2 COMPACT GNI and AST-GN13 cards. The virulence factors were confirmed by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. Result All the 38 strains of Pa were resistant to ampicillin, ampicillin/sulbactam, cefazolin, nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole, resistance rates were 100%. Except for eeftriaxone (60. 53% ), the resistance rates to other antibiotics were all below 16%. PCR test showed that all the 38 strains of Pa carried exotoxin A(toxA) and nitric oxide reductase A (norA), however, detective ratio of the other virulence factors, exoenzyme Y (exoY) was 84. 21% (32/38), exoenzyme S (exoS) 57.89% (22/38),pyocyanin (pyp) 42. 11% (16/ 38) ,exoenzyme U( exoU )34-. 21% ( 13/38), and 38 strains of Pa did not carry exoenzyme T ( exoT ) and elastase B (lasB) without exception. By analyzing tests, we discovered that 3 pan-drug resistant strains of Pa were all combination of exo U +/pyp + , there were 4 strains of Pa which were moderately-resistant to imipenem, including exoU +/pyp +/exoY + (2 isolates), exo U +/pyp + ( 1 isolate), and exoY +/exoS + ( 1 isolates). It indicated that the drug-resistance rate of exoU +/pyp + is much higher, compared with exoS + and exoY +. Molecular epidemiological detection revealed that 2 of 3 extensive-resistance strains of Pa were the same clone, but another one had 96. 3% of homology with them. Conclusion The abovementioned 34. 21% of Pa isolated from children carried virulence factors toxA, norA, exoS, exoY, pyp and exoU. The strains with exoU/pyp had rather high resistance. The strains with pyp had strong toxicity, they easily cause generalized infection, the patients with them had very high mortality.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Virulence factor
Drug resistance