金融创新贯穿于金融业发展的全过程 ,其根本动力来源于金融业逐利避险的追求 ;一旦金融创新与现代科技结合起来 ,金融与产业结合起来 ,金融工程便应运而生。适应金融发展、经济发展需要的新型金融工具、金融产品的不断涌现 ,对于合理有效地开发利用金融资源 ,保证金融业的可持续发展起着重要的作用。金融工程是金融可持续发展的根本途径 ,而金融创新则是金融可持续发展的灵魂。科学地认识三者间的关系 ,对于审时度势地推动我国金融业由初级阶段向高级阶段的发展 ,发挥其在经济发展中的引致作用具有重要的意义。
The article focuses on the illustration of the relationship among financial innovation, financial engineering and financial sustainable development. Financial innovation, running through the whole process of the financial development and are driven by the desire to pursue reward and avert risk. Once financial innovation is combined with modern science and technology and finance with industry, financial engineering comes into being. New financial tools and products according to the need of financial and economic development arise, which play and important role in tapping financial resources reasonably and effectively and keeping financial sustainable development. The basic point is that financial engineering is the essential approach to financial sustainable development while financial innovation is the sole of financial sustainable development. Making clear about the relationship among the three is very important to promote the financial industry from a preliminary phase to a high one and to bring its leading role in economic development into full play.
Financial Innovation
Financial Engineering
Financial Sustainable Development