

Novel sliding-mode guidance law for supercavitating vehicles based on wake information
摘要 针对超空泡航行体机动能力差、探测手段有限等特点,提出了一种基于目标舰船尾流梯度信息的变结构制导律.通过激光探测机动目标的尾流信息,动态解算尾流梯度方向;采用滑模变结构理论设计制导律,实现对尾流梯度方向的精确跟踪,最终完成对目标舰船的精确打击.该方法利用目标尾流信息,避免对目标运动状态进行复杂估计计算,不仅降低了对机动能力的要求,同时大大减小能量消耗,提高了有效航程.仿真结果表明,系统响应迅速,可以实现快速精确的目标跟踪打击,且具有很强的鲁棒性和抗干扰性. A novel sliding-mode guidance law was proposed making use of gradient information of ship wakes, to tackle the problems in current supercavitating vehicle such as poor maneuvering capability and limited detection methods. The wake gradient direction was dynamically determined according to the wakes of moving targets that were detected by the laser. The design of guidance law based on the sliding-mode theory guaranteed accurate tracking in the wake gradient direction till the final hits on the target ship. By using the wake information of targets, this scheme avoids the estimation of target motion states, which can benefit in reducing the energy consumption and improving the vehicle voyage significantly. Simulation results shows that the proposed method can guarantee the supercavitating vehicle's rapid and accurate hits over targets, while at the same time, gaining strong robustness and interference immunity.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期987-991,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
关键词 尾流梯度 超空泡航行体 制导律 滑模变结构 wake gradient supercavitating vehicle guidance law sliding-mode
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