
面向飞机总体设计的开式转子发动机分析模型 被引量:9

Model of open rotor engine for aircraft conceptual design
摘要 应用高速桨扇试验数据与涡轴核心机估算模型相结合的方法,建立了一种快速的、能用于飞机总体方案论证阶段的开式转子发动机分析模型.它使用少量的总体参数即可估算出开式转子发动机推力与耗油率特性、质量和外形尺寸,计算速度快.通过对比模型的估算结果与文献的试验数据,证明其精度能够满足飞机总体初步方案论证的要求,可用于评估采用开式转子发动机带来的收益. A rapid analysis model of the open rotor engine, which can be used in aircraft conceptual design, was established by the combination of the test data of high speed propfan and approximate model of turboshaft. The performance, mass and size of the open rotor en- gine were able to be predicted quickly by this model with a small amount of input parame- ters. The precision of the model was validated by the experimental data from the references. The model developed in the paper can be used in the aircraft conceptual design to evaluate the benefits of using open rotor engines.
作者 张帅 余雄庆
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1801-1808,共8页 Journal of Aerospace Power
基金 南京航空航天大学科研基地创新创优基金(NJ2010006)
关键词 开式转子 高速桨扇 涡轴核心机 飞机总体设计 客机 open rotor high speed propfan turboshaft aircraft conceptual design airliner
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