
Analytic model of acoustic streaming in thermoacoustic waveguides with slowly varying cross-section 被引量:1

Analytic model of acoustic streaming in thermoacoustic waveguides with slowly varying cross-section
摘要 An analytic model of acoustic streaming generated in two-dimensional thermoa- coustic waveguides with slowly varying cross-section was developed for more general applica- tions. The analytical solutions of acoustic streaming characteristics in the closed straight tube and the annular tube are given based on the model. The solution for the closed straight tube can be applied to the case with any transverse scale. The solution for the annular tube is obtained under the assumption that the width of the varying cross-section part is much larger than the viscous and thermal penetration depths. The effects of cross-section variation, time-averaged temperature distribution and components of sound field are reflected in the analytic solutions. The magnitude and distribution of acoustic streaming velocity vary with the characteristic scale of the waveguides. The analytic model of acoustic streaming can be applied in research under thermoacoustic and other physical backgrounds. An analytic model of acoustic streaming generated in two-dimensional thermoa- coustic waveguides with slowly varying cross-section was developed for more general applica- tions. The analytical solutions of acoustic streaming characteristics in the closed straight tube and the annular tube are given based on the model. The solution for the closed straight tube can be applied to the case with any transverse scale. The solution for the annular tube is obtained under the assumption that the width of the varying cross-section part is much larger than the viscous and thermal penetration depths. The effects of cross-section variation, time-averaged temperature distribution and components of sound field are reflected in the analytic solutions. The magnitude and distribution of acoustic streaming velocity vary with the characteristic scale of the waveguides. The analytic model of acoustic streaming can be applied in research under thermoacoustic and other physical backgrounds.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 2012年第4期439-454,共16页 声学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(1057435) the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KICX-2-YW-W02)
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