This study was to investigate the curative effect of retention enema with Lianzhifan solution plus Xilei San for treating chronic ulcerative rectitis. The 120 cases with this disease admitted in author's dept. (2009-05 to 2010-03) were randomly divided into three groups,40 cases for each.treatment group was sub- jected to the combination retention enema, control group A(i. e group A) to Xilei San(Chinese drug formu- la) alone,control group B(i. e group B) to gentamycin plus metronidazole for retention enema;then com- pared and analysed the curative effects of the 3 groups. As results,the curative rate of treatment group, group A,and B was 77.5%,45.0% and 47.5%the total effective rate of above 3 groups was 97.5%,77. 5 % and 70.0 %,respectively;the curative rate and total effective rate of treatment group were significantly higher than that of group A and B (P 〈0.05),while between group A and B there was no statistical differences ( P 〉0.05) ;after treatment the frequent defecation sensation, muco-pus and blood stool, and en- teroscopy were scored as distinct decline rating points( P 〈0.05) ,but compared with group A and B treat- ment group apperaed more significantly decline( P 〈0.05). Results show that retention enema with Li- anzhifan solution plus Xilei San in the treatment of chronic ulcerative rectitis is of simple manipulation and significant curative effect.
Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
Chronic ulcerative rectitis
Lianzhifan solution
Xilei San
Retention enema
Therapeutic effect