2009年6月至9月连续16次对广东省恩平市锦江河上游主要鱼类群落调查。调查共捕获鱼类3 894尾隶属6目18科39属49种。其中未知种3种,Margalef指数D(I)为4.023 9,D(B)为7.601 4,Shannon-Wiener指数H(I′)为3.952 3,H(B′)为2.401 9;Simpson指数C(I)为0.705 1,C(B)为0.914 3;Pielou指数J(I)为0.331 3,J(B)为0.201 4。其中名特优经济鱼类15种,占种类数的30.61%,包括刺鳅、黄颡鱼、月鳢、胡子鲶、翘嘴红鱼白、黄鳝、鲶鱼、乌鳢、翘嘴鳜、斑鳜、加洲鲈、泥鳅等普通经济鱼类8种,占种类数的16.32%,包括鲫鱼、罗非鱼、银鲴、鲤、草鱼、鲢、鳙、青鱼、鲮等;其他非经济鱼类种26种,不知品种3种,占种类数的53.06%。鲤形目中的鲤、银飘鱼为优势种(IRI≥500),鲫、、寡鳞飘鱼、赤眼鳟、油餐、彩石等为常见种;鲈形目中的罗非鱼属鱼类、子陵吻虾虎鱼为优势种(IRI≥500),月鳢、乌鳢、加洲鲈、斗鱼、溪吻虾虎鱼、粘皮鲻虾虎鱼、侧扁黄(鱼幼)等为常见种;鱼将形目中的食蚊鱼和鲶形目的胡子鲶为优势种(IRI≥500),合鳃目的黄鳝以及外来种观赏鱼(吸盘鱼)、鲶鱼为常见种,鱼类品种调查结果可为恩平市锦江河鱼类资源保护和利用提供参考。
We carried 16 surveys of the wild fish community in the upstream of Jinjiang River in Enping from June to September, 2009. The 3 894 fish we captured belong to 49 species, 39 genus, 18 familia, 6 order, including 3 unknown species. The indexes of Margalef D(1) and D(B), Shannon- WienerH(1) and H(B), Simpson C(1) and C(B), and Pielou J(1) and J(B) are 4.023 9 and 7. 601 4, 3.952 3 and 2. 401 9, 0. 705 1 and 0. 914 3 and 0. 331 3 and 0. 201 4 respectively. 15 species including Mastacembelus aculeatus, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Channa asiatica, Clarias batrachus, Culter alburnus , Symbranchi formes Monopterusalba (Zuiew), Silurus asotus Linnaeus, Ophicephalus argus, Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky), Siniperca scherzeri Steindacho, Micropterus salmoides, Misgurnus anguillieaudatu and so forth which take a percentage of 30.61% of the captured fishes are economical ; other 8 species, including Carassius auratus (Linnaeus), Tilapia nilotica, Xenocypris argentea, Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmmichthy-srnolitrix, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson), Mylopharyngodon piceus, Cirrhinus molitorella and so on which take a percentage of 16. 32% are common economical; the else taking 53.06%, including 26 species and 2 known ones are non-economical. Among the Cypriniformes, Cyprinus carpio and Pseudolaubuca sinensis are dominant species (IRIS500) while Carassius auratus, Pseudoperilampus lighti Wu, P. engraulis, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Hemiculter bleekeri and Pseudoperilarnpus lighti are common ones ; as for the Perciforrnes, Oreochromis and Ctenogobius giurinus are dominant (IRI≥500) while Channa asiatica, Ophicephalus argus, Micropterus salmoides , Macropodus opercuiaris , Rhinogobius duospilus , Mugilogoblus myxodermus and Hypseleotris swinhonis are commone; and for the Cyprinodontirormes, Gambusra affinis and Clarias batrachus are dominant (IRI≥ 500) while Ymbranchiformes monopterusalba, Plecostous Punctatus and Silurus asotus are common. We expect that our surveys and analysis would provide scientific proof for the protection and the implementation of the fish resources in Jinjiang River in Enping.
Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)
wild fish resources
community structure
species diversity