西班牙对西方现代设计历史进程产生重大影响是在19世纪与20世纪之交的"新艺术运动"(Art Nouveau)期间。而安东尼·高迪(Antonio Gaudi)正是西班牙新艺术运动的领军人物,或者说独领风骚的人物。本文分析了高迪人生创作的几个阶段以及他对新艺术运动的影响。
Spainish had a significant impact on the Western history process of mordern design was in the 19th century and 20 turns of the century , during "Art Noveau" period. And Antonio Gaudi was the leader of Art Noveau in Spain.This paper briefly analyses the creation of Gaudi life stages as well as for his influence to Art Nouveau.
Furniture & Interior Design