
调亏灌溉对冬小麦根冠生长影响的试验研究 被引量:10

Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Growth of Root and Shoot in Winter Wheat
摘要 以冬小麦为试验材料,采用防雨棚下桶栽土培方法,就调亏灌溉(RDI)对作物根、冠生长的影响进行了试验研究。试验采用二因素随机区组设计,冬小麦设置5个水分调亏阶段,每个调亏阶段设置3个水分调亏程度,另设全生育期充分供水处理为对照(CK)。分别在水分调亏期间和复水后测定各处理根系参数和地上干物质质量。结果表明,RDI对植株根冠生长发育的影响因不同水分调亏阶段和不同水分调亏度而有所不同。在水分调亏期间冬小麦根系生长受到强烈抑制,但复水后根系具有"补偿生长效应"或"超补偿生长效应"。冬前适度水分调亏(调亏度55%FC~65%FC)对根系生长具有正效应;返青—拔节阶段不同程度水分调亏复水后均有"补偿生长效应"或"超补偿生长效应",而且这种"补偿生长效应"随水分调亏度加重呈增强趋势。冬小麦水分调亏均增大根冠比(R/S),且随水分调亏度加重,R/S明显增大。因此,RDI可以作为冬小麦根冠生长调控的有效方法。 The effects of regulated deficit irrigation(RDI) on growth of roots and shoots of plants were experimentally investigated during the 2008—2009 and 2009—2010 growing seasons in pot-grwon winter wheat under rain-proof shelter condition in Huanghuaihai Region in China,aiming at offering theories basis for the establishment of RDI model for water-saving,high-yield,high quality and efficiency in crops.A two-factor randomize-block design was applied.The first factor designed different stages of water deficit,including five leaves-overwintering(Ⅰ),overwintering-turning green(Ⅱ),turning green-jointing(Ⅲ),jointing-heading(Ⅳ),and heading-maturing(Ⅴ).The other factor was different degree of water deficit with three levels by soil relative water content,which included light deficit(L),moderate deficit(M) and severe deficit(S) at stages of water deficit I to V,corresponding soil relative water content were 60%FC^65%FC(Field Capacity),50%FC^55%FC and 40%FC^45%FC,respectively.Totally,15 water deficit treatments with six replicates were designed and applied.Additionally,full irrigation treatment(75%FC^85%FC) during whole growing season with eighteen replicates was designed as control(CK).Such root system parameters as root dry weight,root weight density and root length density,and total shoot dry matter weight were measured synchronously in all water treatments during water stress period and after re-watering,respectively.The results indicated that there were different effects of RDI on growth of roots and shoots of winter wheat due to both phenological stages and degree of water deficit.Although the growth of root system in winter wheat was restrained severely in water stress period before jointing,there was a ’super-compensation effect’ in root growth after re-watering.Moderate water stress(degree of water deficit was 55%FC^65%FC) had positive effects on the growth of roots before wintering.There were super-compensation effects on root growth after re-watering in different water deficit treatments from green-returning to jointing in wheat.RDI in winter wheat was able to increase the ratio of root to shoot(R/S),and the effect was more outstanding with the aggravation of the water deficit.The results suggested that RDI should be adopted as an effective approach to regulate the growth of root and shoot in winter wheat.
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期37-41,共5页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-3-1-30) 国家自然科学基金项目(51079153)
关键词 冬小麦 调亏灌溉 根冠生长 根冠比 补偿生长 winter wheat regulated deficit irrigation growth of root and shoot ratio of root to shoot compensatory effect
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