

Method for Web-based information processing of weapon and equipment test documents
摘要 目前对武器装备试验鉴定与试验信息分析处理过程中产生的试验文档处理方法较落后,信息化程度不高,随着电子靶场信息化建设的深入发展,如何对试验文档进行有效的信息处理是当前亟待解决的问题。针对这一问题,提出一种基于Web的方法。该方法通过定义武器装备试验文档标准化模板、格式转换、ID设置、文档优化等步骤实现在Web页面上对不同格式的试验文档进行信息处理。提出的方法已经应用于武器综合试验信息系统中,取得了很好的应用效果。本文最后给出了实验结果。 Nowadays, the processing method for the test document produced in the process of the weapon equipment test qualification and test information analysis is backward, and the informatization level is not high enough. However, with the development of informatization construction for the electronic test firing range, the efficient processing of the test document becomes a problem which is urgent to be solved. In allusion to this problem, a method based on Web is put forward. The in- formation processing for the test documents in different formats is implemented on Web page by defining the standardized tem plate, format conversion, ID setting, document optimization, etc. The proposed method has been applied to the weapon com- prehensive testing information system and got good test results. The experimental results are offered in this paper.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2012年第18期53-55,59,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 标准化模板 信息处理 WEB 武器装备 试验文档 standardized template information processing Web weapon equipment test document
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