As the gathering and transportation pipelines transmit medium of complex compositions and corrosion mechanisms are various, the corrosion integrity management for the transportation pipeline network has plagued the enterprise managers and seriously restricted the overall improvement of the integrity of the oil and gas enterprises' management level. In the southwest oil & gas fields, advanced pigging detection technology has been applied for corrosion defect detection, identification and management of systems, and .9? some useful explorations in the integrity of management of the gathering pipelines corrosion defects have been made. For the gathering pipelines in service, the defects detected by pigging should be timely repaired. The inspection of cathodic protection of the pipelines should be strengthened to prevent the pipelines from operating at either "insufficient protection" or "over protection" conditions. Field inspection should be performed to find the leaking in a timely manner so as to prevent leaking - related accidents. For the new gathering pipelines to be constructed, the corrosion protection and prevention should be considered in the engineering design. The environmental protection awareness should be enhanced and great attention should be paid to the application results of anti - corrosion technologies.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry
corrosion inspection, integrity management, gathering pipelines