
系统科学与交通安全保障——“交通7+1论坛”第二十七次会议纪实 被引量:2

Systems Science and Traffic Security
摘要 交通安全是交通运输工作的基础,论坛以"系统科学与交通安全保障"为主题,介绍了系统安全的基础理论和体系;围绕高速铁路、城市轨道交通、航空运输、道路交通等系统,分析了在安全保障方面存在的问题;研究了安全系统工程包括的过程、体系、标准、方法等内容;结合国内国外的实际案例,提出了交通安全保障系统的战略目标、实现路径和技术关键.同时,探讨了高速铁路"十二五"专项规划的主要内容,认为尽快制定和完善交通安全国家标准和实施体系是未来工作的重要内容. The safe operation of traffic and transportation is always a core and basic work. The 27th conference of "Traffic and Transportation Forum 7+1" focuses on the issue of "systems science and traffic security". Some basic theories and frameworks on systematic safety are introduced. The existing security problems are analyzed for several systems such as high-speed railway, urban rail transit, air transportation, and road traffic. The essential elements of safety engineering are explored in terms of the procedure, framework, standard and research method. Based on the domestic and international cases and practices, the strategic goals, achieving methods and the key techniques are put forth for traffic security system. In addition, some items on the "12th Five-Year Plan" of high-speed railway are discussed and the consensus are proposed as that building and improving the national safety standards and practical strategies should be the keys for future development.
作者 张国伍
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期1-10,共10页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
关键词 系统工程 交通运输 交通安全 安全工程 systems engineering traffic and transportation traffic safety safety engineering
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