
互联网环境下潜水者及其潜水动因研究综述 被引量:25

Research Progress on the Conceptualization and Motivation of Online Lurker
摘要 通过对国内外关于互联网环境下潜水者的研究成果进行系统化梳理,重新界定网络潜水者及其内生角色类型,整合网络潜水者研究的理论基础体系,并基于国内外潜水动因研究成果,构建内在动因和外在动因在经济利益、社会、知识技术三个维度的关联分类体系,分析面向内在动因和面向外在动因的激励类型,以期为今后的研究提供参考。 By reviewing the research of online lurkers at home and abroad, this paper redefines the online lurkers and their endogenous character types, integrates the basic theories of online lurkers research, constructs the classification system of internal motivation and external motivation from three dimensions of economic interest, social and intellectual technology based on the research achievement of lurkers' motivation, and explores the intrinsic-oriented and extrinsic-oriented incentive mechanism on lurkers. Meanwhile, this paper explores the meaning and value of online lurker research from three aspects. The paper aims to get a comprehensive research progress of current status on online lurker research from information management perspective.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第18期65-72,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 2010年国家社会科学基金重点项目"互联网用户群体协作行为模式的理论与应用研究"(项目编号:10ATQ004)研究成果之一
关键词 网络潜水者 网络社区 社会化媒体 理论基础 动因研究 激励研究 综述 online lurker online community social media theoretical foundation motivation study incentive research resarch progress
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