对全面抗战爆发前的蒋介石汪精卫两个集团的民族失败主义思想从国情观 ,抗战前途观以及对抗战力量的分析 3个方面作了比较 ,他们的国情观 ,抗战必亡的抗战前途观是一致的 ,但是在对于亡国的情形 ,与日本和平谈判的条件 ,对于抗战的依靠力量的分析等方面 ,双方的认识还是有着很大的差别。这些分歧的发展与扩大 ,导致蒋汪两个集团在抗日战争时期走上了不同的道路。
A comparison is made between thoughts of Jiang Jieshi group and Wang Jingwei group on national defeatism in terms of national situation, the prospets and forces of anti Japanese war before the outbreak of overall anti Japanese war.They shared the same opinions on the national situation, the destined failure of anti Japanese war and the end of the nation,but disagreed on the degree of losing the war,condition on peace negotiation with Japan and the dependent strength at home.The development and expansion of these divergences led to different ways of the two groups during the period of anti Japanese war.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery