

Reflections on Implementation Effect of "Sunshine Sports" Program
摘要 采用文献资料法、访谈法、观察法对阳光体育运动实施过程中存在的问题进行反思,认为实施对象与直接执行者不在场,对象群体目的与决策者目标不一致,决策目标与实施方法、策略不协调,对不同年龄、地域、性别学生的实施要求与手段无差别,无经费支撑等是阳光体育运动难以为继的关键所在。 By using the method of literature review and observation, this paper questions the launching of sunshine sports pro- gram and reflects on some problems in the process of sunshine sports program. It believes that the absence of the implementa- tion object and the direct executor, the purpose of the object group are not consistent with the target of the decision-maker, the target of the decision-maker is incompatible with the methods and strategies, and the requirements and mends are no difference with different age, area and gender, and the lack of financial support are the pivotal factors which lead the sunshine sports pro- gram difficult to continue.
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2012年第4期157-159,共3页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
基金 湖南省教育科学规划课题(XJK08BTM002)
关键词 学校体育 阳光体育运动 不在场 效果 school sports sunshine sports program reflection
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