
协作治理模式:从“对口支援”到“协作发展” 被引量:34

From “the Counterpart Support” to “the Collaborative Development”:Enlightenment of the Collaborative Governance Model
摘要 我国开展的对口支援工作对促进社会公平与和谐都具有重要的意义。但是对口支援中的政治动员性而非制度化、双方利益的非均衡性、支援方和被支援方的既定性都会影响该项工作的持续进行,对口支援必须实现向协作发展的转变。协作治理模式从启动条件、制度设计、领导能力和协作程序四个方面探究协作发展的可能性与路径,对我国突破对口支援中的问题提供了有效的解决思路。借鉴经验,必须实现对口支援由政治动员向制度激励的转变;实现支援目标、项目既定性向协商对接机制的转变;培养对口支援双方的信任资本;建构协作领导机制,实现协作中的多元参与,推动互信协作局面的实施。 The work of Counterpart Support plays an important role in promoting social equity and harmony. However, because the Counterpart Support is political mobilization rather than institu- tionalized and the non-equilibrium of interests and certainty of the supporting side and the supported side, they will affect the work. Collaborative governance model contains the starting conditions, in- stitutional design, facilitative leadership and collaborative process which provide effective solution i- deas to the Counterpart support in China. In order to make counterpart support success, we must change the political mobilization to the system of incentives, achieve the consultation mechanism, cultivate the trust capital, build collaborative leadership mechanism and promote implementation of the situation of mutual trust and collaboration.
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期67-73,79,共8页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 中央民族大学2011年度中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目“民族地区社会建设与治理研究”(MUCZ011ZDKT04)的阶段性成果
关键词 对口支援 协作治理模式 制度 协作发展 counterpart support collaborative governance model institute collaborative development
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