
中西合壁 跨越巅峰 宋祖英、郎朗、波切利三大巨星音乐会在伦敦成功举行 被引量:1

Song Zuying,Lang Lang and Andrea Bocceli's Concert ″Surpassing the Peak″ Made a Great Success in London
摘要 伦敦当地时间2012年6月5日19时30分,可容纳5000名观众英国伦敦皇家艾尔伯特音乐厅中座无虚席,中国歌唱家宋祖英联袂意大利男高音歌唱家安德烈·波切利和钢琴家郎朗精彩演出的“跨越巅峰”——三大巨星伦敦音乐会在此举行。 Song Zuying,Lang Lang and Andrea Bocceli's Concert ″ Surpassing the Peak″ at the Royal Albert Hall in London made a great hit on June 5,2012.The concert hall with a capacity of 5000 seats was packed with audience while the three superstar musicians presented a fabulous concert which was co-organized by the Chinese Olympic Committee,the Chinese Musicians' Association,the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in London,the Beijing Olympic City Development Association and the Royal Albert Hall London on the occasion of the 40 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UK,the 60 th anniversary of Queen Elisabeth II's access to the throne,and at the time when London was expecting the 2012 Olympic Games.The concert turned out to be a very good opportunity to introduce Chinese culture to the British audience,and hail the Olympic spirit and world peace in the 'Sound of China'.The Royal Albert Hall is one of the most distinctive British architectures,a real national treasure of the country.It is also a top concert hall for music lovers from all over the world as many of the world's leading artists have appeared on its stages.At 19:30 on June 5,the concert started first with a video show of all difference smiling faces collected by weibo.com in which each of the smiling persons said the words 'Surpass the summit and hail London选',expressing in the best way Chinese people's blessings to the London Olympic Games.Then Ms Yang Lan appeared as the concert compere,to mark the beginning of the show.A 180-member English choir started with a classic Chinese folk song 'Jasmine Flower' with accompaniment of Europe's largest and oldest organ The choir sang another one 'In That Remote Place' a cappella at the beginning of the second session.Song Zuying cooperated with Lang Lang again four years after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 in singing the song 'You and Me' at the Royal Albert Hall,a symbol of connection between the two Olympic cities Beijing and London,with such beautiful and touching interpretation that many of the Chinese listeners including some staff of the Chinese Embassy present at the concert shed tears emotionally.For Andrea Bocceli,his favourite Chinese song is 'The Love Song of Kangding',a very popular love song in China.He and Song Zuying sang it together at the Shanghai Expo in 2010,and later it also appeared in his newest album.This time at the Royal Albert Hall,they sang this song again in cooperation,displaying the distinctive charms of Chinese folk songs which transcend language barriers,ethnic differences and country borders.The concert concluded with the British folk song 'Auld Lang Syne' that the whole audience sang together in chorus,and the nearly 5000 spectators from various parts of the world rose and applauded for long time,showing their gratitude to the musicians for this feast of sound and music,and in particular,offering high respect to the Chinese folk songs that they have been so intoxicated with.
作者 美茵 孔培培
机构地区 中国艺术研究院
出处 《人民音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期57-59,95-96,共3页 People’s Music
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