利用 SEM和光学显微镜 ,原位观察在 型动态加载下玻璃布增强 PC复合材料层板的分层断裂过程。结果表明 , 型加载下 ,织物增强复合材料分层裂纹扩展方向随织物结构变化造成分层在正应力和剪应力共同作用下进行 ,分层微裂纹的萌生主要在交织面或垂直于裂纹扩展方向的纱线束内以纤维的分离和脱粘进行 ,主裂纹的扩展易于沿平行于裂纹扩展方向的纱线束以纤维的脱粘。
The main objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic processes of the interlaminar fracture of the glass fabric woven reinforced polycarbonate composites through in situ observation of specimen under loading mode Ⅰ by means of SEM and optical microscope. The results show that the orientation of crack propagation of interlaminar fracture varies with the woven structures. It results in the joint action of normal stress and shear stress of microcrack propagation under loading mode Ⅰ. The microcrack of delamination initiates through fiber separation and debonding in interweave face and thread end vertical to crack propagation direction. The main crack advances through fiber breakage, fiber debonding and fiber/matrix interface debonding along thread end parallel to crack propagation direction.
Materials For Mechanical Engineering
国家自然科学基金! ( 593731 2 3)
纺织总会跨世纪人才基金! ( 9732 30 33)
陕西省自然科学基金! ( 96C2 1 )