
癌症疲乏量表在消化系统恶性肿瘤病人术前疲乏症状评估中的临界值研究 被引量:8

Study on critical value of Cancer Fatigue Scale in preoperative fatigue symptoms assessment for patients with digestive malignant tumor
摘要 [目的]明确癌症疲乏量表(CFS)用于消化系统恶性肿瘤病人术前癌因性疲乏症状评估的适宜临界值。[方法]对160例行外科手术治疗的消化系统恶性肿瘤病人术前发放CFS与疲乏数字等级量评估表,将疲乏数字等级量评估表结果作为CFS测评的校标。[结果]癌症疲乏量表的总量表、各维度与疲乏数字等级量评估表相关;当CFS临界值为18.50时,受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线在左上方离标准参照线最远,这时灵敏度、特异度、假阴性率与假阳性率分别为0.803、0.899、0.197及0.101。ROC曲线下面积为0.894(P<0.01),面积标准误为0.028。由于量表采用5级计分,临界值应为整数,最后确定临界值为18.0分。[结论]CFS在消化系统恶性肿瘤病人术前癌因性疲乏症状测评适宜临界值为18.0分,是消化系统恶性肿瘤病人术前疲乏症状测评的有效工具。 Objective: To identify the optimal critical value of the Cancer Fa- tigue Scale in preoperative fatigue symptoms assessment for patients with di- gestive malignant tumor. Methods: A total of 160 cases of digestive malig- nant tumor patients completed the Cancer Fatigue Scale (CFS) and the digit- al level evaluation sheet before undergoing surgical treatment, and the results of fatigue numerical rating amount assessment table were regarded as the gold standard for assessment of CFS. Results.. The total CFS and its dimen- sions all had significant correlations with the digital level amount evaluation sheet in fatigue. When the critical value of the cancer fatigue scale was 18. 50 ,re- ceiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve was the farthest (in the upper left) away from the standard reference line,and this sensitivity, specificity, false negative rate and false positive rates were respectively 0.803,0.899, 0. 197,and 0. 101. The standard error of area was 0. 028. The area under the ROC curve was 0. 894 (P^0.01) ,and the standard error was 0. 028. Scale u- sing 5 scoring, thresholds should be an integer,and finally to determine the critical value was 18.0. Conclusion: The appropriate critical value of CFS in the patients with digestive tract malignant tumor for preoperative cancer fa- tigue symptom evaluation was 18.0 points,and it is an effective tool for preoperative fatigue symptom evaluation on the digestive tract malignant tumor patients.
出处 《护理研究(上旬版)》 2012年第9期2318-2320,共3页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
基金 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目 编号:11040606M211
关键词 癌症疲乏量表 消化系统 恶性肿瘤 ROC曲线 cancer fatigue scale digestive system malignant tumor receiv er operating characteristic curve
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