
益母草注射液联合缩宫素预防阴道分娩产后出血的临床观察 被引量:9

Clinical observation of Yimucao Injection combined oxytocine for preventing postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery
摘要 目的探讨益母草注射液联合缩宫素注射液预防阴道分娩产后出血和促进子宫复旧的效果。方法将该院经阴道分娩的285例患者随机分为益母草组(A组)、益母草联合缩宫素组(B组)、缩宫素组(C组)。观察产后各时段阴道流血量,子宫复旧情况,产前、产后血红蛋白变化,产后恶露情况,血压、心率的变化以及药物不良反应等。结果 A、B组患者产后阴道流血量、产后子宫复旧、产后恶露时间优于C组,各组产妇产前、产后血红蛋白,血压及心率在用药前后无明显改变。各组均未发生不良反应。结论益母草注射液能够减少产后出血,有缓慢、持续的缩宫效果,与缩宫素注射液联用预防产后出血效果更好,且药物安全性良好。 Objective To investigate the effects of Yimucao Injection combined oxytoeine to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and promote involution of utecus after vaginal delivery. Methods 285 cases of vaginal delivery in our hospital were randomly divided into the Yimucao group (A), Yimucao plus oxytocine group (B) and oxytoeine group (C). The postpartum vaginal bleeding volume in various time intervals,involution of uterus,changes of postpartum hemoglobin,changes of loehia,changes of blood pressure, heart rate and drng adverse reactions were observed in various groups. Results The postpartum vaginal bleeding volume,involution of uterus and lochia time in the group A and B were lower, better and shoter than those in the group C. Among 3 groups, there were no significant changes in hemoglobin, blood pressure and heart rate during prepartum and postpartum periods,and no drug adverse reactions occurred. Conclusion Yimucao Injection can reduce the postpartum vaginal bleeding with slow and persistent uterine contraction effects ,and its use in combination with oxytoeine has better effects for preventing postpartum vaginal bleeding and better safety.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2012年第17期2577-2578,2580,共3页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 益母草 治疗应用 催产素 治疗应用 注射剂 产后出血 治疗 阴道分娩 Leonurus heterophyttus/therapeutic use Oxytocin/therapeutic use Injectio Postpartum hemorrhage/therapy Vaginal delivery
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