
北京城中村儿童户外体力活动环境影响因子分析——以大有庄、骚子营邻里为例 被引量:41

Children’s Outdoor Physical Activities in Beijing “Urban-Village” Neighborhood Subjected to Environmental Factors: A Case Study on Dayouzhuang and Saoziying Neighborhood
摘要 在我国,近年来无论是新区建设还是旧区改造都缺少儿童参与,成人化设计导致城市邻里空间不足以吸引儿童开展体力活动,产生了一系列儿童健康问题。本研究选取北京市海淀区大有庄、骚子营社区,运用感知地图方法,对6~12岁儿童户外活动环境感知及理想邻里环境意向进行调查分析,共获取儿童感知地图38份。研究结果显示:儿童对邻里空间的感知结构包括3种模式,即"活动场所+活动路径"、"路径"和"场景";第一种模式对应的儿童户外体力活动水平较后两者高;恶劣的卫生条件及汽车数量的急剧增加,是弱化儿童户外体力活动机会感知的消极环境因子;游戏与运动设施、水景、树木花卉、软质铺装及座椅,构成促进儿童户外体力活动机会感知的积极环境因子。研究结果可为我国各城市的"城中村"改造建设提供参考。 In recent years, lacking of children involvement in new district planning or old district renovation, and lacking of understanding of children's environmental preferences of residential neighborhood made most of the residential neighborhoods not attractive enough for children to be engaged in physical activities. This leads to a series of children's health problems. This study explored 6-12 years old children's perception of opportunities for outdoor physical activities in two urban-village neighborhoods in Beijing to promote understanding of the environmental impact on children's physical activities. Cognitive Mapping reveals that children's perception of the structure of neighborhood environment includes three models, "activity places & activity path ", "path" , and 'scene", in which the first model is corresponding to higher level of children's outdoor physical activities than the others. Poor sanitation and motorvehicles are negative environmental factors which weaken children's perception of the opportunities for outdoor physical activity. Play and sports facilities, water landscape, flowers and trees, natural pavement and benches are positive environmental factors which promote children's perception of the opportunity for outdoor physical activity. This research can provide useful information for urban-villages renovation in Beijing and other cities in the future.
作者 王冬 韩西丽
出处 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期841-847,共7页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis
基金 国家自然科学基金(41001089)资助
关键词 儿童 体力活动 感知地图 城中村 北京 children physical activity cognitive mapping urban-village Beijing
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