1English is the international language. Financial Times. December 28. 2000. p. 20.
2A world empire by other means. The Triumph of English. December 22 2001. Christmas special of The Economist. p. 63.
3Huang. C. Z. Linguistic Diversity a concern a global village. December 11. 2000. China Daily. p.4.
4The Dominance of English : Colleges worldwide abandon their native languages for a common tongue. The Chronicle of Higher Education. September 8.2000. p.1.
6Zhao. Y. & Keith. P. C.. (1998) English in China. World Englishes. Vol. 14. No. 3. p.377- 399.
7China Boosts English. 21st Century. March 29. 2001. p14.
8Stevenson. R. L, (1994) Global Communication in the 21st Century. Longman Publishing Group. New York: Longtmn, p, 88,
10Stevenson. R. L. (1994) Global Communication in the 21st Century. Longrrkan Publishing Group. New York: Long, an. p. 91.