

Analysis and Proving of the Security on Public Key Scheme Based on RO Model
摘要 信息安全是信息社会存在的根基,而密码学是信息安全技术的核心部分,因此,对密码方案或协议的设计与应用的安全性成为人们最为关注的问题。本文首先介绍随机预言模型(RO)及相关的归约论断和敌手模型定义,并运用这种模型对公钥加密方案进行了安全性分析,同时给出了证明,结果达到预期的安全性目标。 Information Security is the fundamentality of the security society,but the cryptography is the key technology of information seCurity, so the security of design and application to crypto scheme or protocol becomes the most focus issue for people.First,this paper introduction the RO model,correlation induction judgement and define adversary model,then analyzing and proving the security of the scheme of public key with this model,and achieved the expectation result.
出处 《网络安全技术与应用》 2012年第9期11-13,共3页 Network Security Technology & Application
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:60970017) 铜仁学院科研启动基金(编号:TS10013 TS10017 TS10018)资助
关键词 RO模型 哈希函数 归约论断 RO model Hash function induction judgement
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