
基于不同基体材质的Sm_2Zr_2O_7/YSZ热障复合涂层残余热应力的数值仿真 被引量:1

Numerical Simulation of Residual Thermal Stresses at Interface of Sm_2Zr_2O7/YSZ Thermal Barrier Composite Coating Based on Different Matrix Material
摘要 采用有限元分析软件ANSYS对1Cr13Ni9Ti、Ni、45钢和2Cr13基体等离子喷涂Sm2Zr2O7/YSZ热障双层涂层系统的残余热应力分布进行了数值仿真。结果表明:复合涂层系统表面层及界面存在较大的径向残余热应力,且径向、轴向及剪切应力梯度随金属基体的热膨胀系数增加而增大;涂层系统的轴向应力及剪切应力在径向距离距中心处约2/3的范围内基本不变,呈现出与基体材质的无关性。 The distribution of residual thermal stresses at the interface of plasma sprayed Sm2Zr2O7/YSZ thermal barrier composite coating on 1Cr13Ni9Ti,Ni,45 steel and Cr13 substrates were simulated using ANSYS software.The results show that the radial residual thermal stresses of the composite coating system exists at the top layer and the layer interface,and three kinds of stress gradients increase with the increase of metal thermal expansion coefficient matrix.But the axial stress and shear stress of the coating system are basically unchanged within the scope from the center point to the about two-thirds radial distance.It is also indicated that the axial stress and shear stress is independent of matrix materials.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第18期116-120,共5页 Hot Working Technology
关键词 热障复合涂层 有限元数值仿真 涂层界面 残余热应力 应力梯度 thermal barrier composite coating finite element numerical simulation coating interface residual thermal stress stress gradient
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