
基于Backstepping的临近空间飞行器非线性控制 被引量:4

Nonlinear H_∞Control for Near Space Vehicle Via Backstepping Method
摘要 为解决临近空间飞行器的稳定跟踪控制问题,考虑模型参数不确定和外界未知干扰对跟踪控制性能的影响,基于backstepping方法与非线性控制理论设计稳定跟踪控制算法。将通用临近空间飞行器数学模型转化为严反馈形式,采用backstepping方法递归求取控制信号,并利用非线性方法对控制器进行设计,从而保证了系统的稳定性和鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,给出的控制方法能有效抑制模型参数不确定和外界干扰的影响,对于实现临近空间飞行器的稳定跟踪控制具有较好的应用价值。 The backstepping method and nonlinearcontrol theory is proposed to solve the problems of stable tracking control for the near space vehicle, considering the influence of the uncertainties of model parameters and unknown disturbances from outside. The vehicle model is arranged into the strictly feedback form, and the backstepping method is used to calculate the control signal; the nonlinearcon- trol method is used to design the controller in order to guarantee the stability and robustness. Simulation studies are conducted to demon- strate that the proposed controller can realize the inhibition of the aerodynamic parameters uncertainties and the unknown disturbances, possessing better application value in the Stable tracking control for the near space vehicle.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期860-863,869,共5页 Control Engineering of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(91016018 60874073 61074064) 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(11JCZDJC25100)
关键词 反步法控制 非线性控制 临近空间飞行器 backstepping control nonlinear H∞ control near space vehicle
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