
突发通信信号的降维检测方法及带宽参数分析 被引量:2

One-Dimensional Detector for Burst Communication Signal and Analysis on Its Bandwidth Parameter
摘要 在突发通信信号检测中,在频率、带宽进行二维搜索的检测方法计算量大,提出了可减少计算量的降维检测方法,该方法在单一检测带宽下进行频率搜索检测突发通信信号。对其带宽参数选择进行了分析。理论计算和仿真表明,降维检测器用于单一速率信号检测时,当检测带宽与信号带宽一致时具有与二维检测器相同的检测性能,当检测带宽与信号带宽相差一倍时,信噪比损失2dB左右;用于混合速率突发信号检测时,最佳带宽与速率的概率分布、信噪比等多种因素有关;对发送功率不变的各速率均匀分布的混合速率突发信号,检测带宽匹配于最大信号带宽可在较高信噪比时获得最高的平均检测概率。这些分析为降维检测器的带宽参数选择提供了依据。 In the detection of burst communication signals, the frequency-domain detector searches in both carrier location and bandwidth, and it demands large computational effort. An one-dimensional detector is proposed for reducing computational effort. The new detector searches signals with a specific bandwidth value. The optimum bandwidth is analyzed from theoritical calculation and Monte Carlo simulation. For single-rate signal detection, its best performance equivalent to two-dimensional detector is achieved when the detector bandwidth equals to the signal bandwidth. Correspondingly, there is about 2dB performance loss when the detector bandwidth is one time greater or smaller than signal bandwidth. For the mixed-rate signal detection, the optimum bandwidth in the sense of maximum mean detection probability is related to probability of distribution of rate series, signal-to-noise ratio and other factors. In case all rates have the same transmit power and are uniformly distributed, the detector achieves maximum mean detection probability at relative high signal-to-noise when detector bandwidth approaches the maximum rate' s bandwidth. The analysis facilitates the selection of the one-dimensional detector bandwidth parameter.
作者 胡亚 吴嗣亮
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1295-1300,共6页 Journal of Astronautics
关键词 突发通信信号 降维检测器 最佳带宽 检测概率 混合速率 Burst communication signal One-dimensional detector Optimum bandwidth Detection probability Mixed-rate
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