

On the Construction of "the Alien" Knowledge by Media in the Early Modern Europe
摘要 本文拟从媒介的角度考察意义重大的欧洲近代早期,探究当时媒介的并存及其对"异者"知识的传播,尤其是新出现的印刷媒介所起的作用。15世纪印刷术的兴起促成了当时的媒介转换,而在这一新旧媒介交替、并存的时期,新世界的形象被多种媒介共同建构和传播,其中,新兴的印刷媒介地位渐趋重要。统一化、标准化的印刷媒介在向公众传达有关新世界这一"异者"的知识时,往往包含有特定的视角和立场,本文将着重探讨印刷媒介的建构机制及其背后的深层原因。 This article focuses on the early modern Europe and examines the coexistence of different kinds of media as well as their dissemination of the knowledge about 'the Alien.' Special attention is paid to the newly emerging print media.It was in the 15th century that the thriving of typography promoted the transformation of media.In an era of alternation and coexistence of old and new forms of media,the image of the new world was constructed and disseminated by them all,among which the print media played an increasingly important role.A special perspective or position was unavoidably included in the standard,unifying print media.This paper delves into the constructional mechanism of the print media and its causes.
作者 贾涵斐
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期136-141,160,共6页 Foreign Literature
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