
斯坦福大学教师教学发展述评 被引量:7

A Review on Stanford University's Faculty Instructional Development
摘要 斯坦福大学非常重视教师教学发展,该校教学中心是负责教师教学发展的专职机构,人力资源处则是教师教学发展的兼职机构,其教师帮服机构为教师教学发展提供了有力支持,教学文化为教师教学发展指明了方向。斯坦福大学重视教师教学发展的校本性、引领性、专业性和组织教学发展。 Stanford University attaches great importance to faculty instructional development,teaching and learning center is specially responsible for faculty instructional development,human resource department is partly responsible for faculty instructional development,Stanford university's help and service organizations create favorable conditions for faculty instructional development,and its teaching and learning culture point out the direction for faculty instructional development, it pay great emphasis on school-based ,leading, organizational and professional faculty instructional development.
作者 吴振利
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期43-50,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 斯坦福大学 教师 教学文化 教学发展 Stanford University faculty teaching and learning culture instructional development
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