
基于区域能量的图像融合 被引量:1

Image Fusion Based on Region Energy
摘要 图像融合的目的在于将多幅图像信息加以综合,消除图像信息之间存在的冗余和矛盾,以形成对目标的清晰、完整、准确的信息描述。在小波域图像融合的范畴内,本文提出一种基于区域能量的图像融合方法,在对图像进行小波分解后,低频采用绝对值取大法,而高频采用基于区域能量的融合策略。仿真结果表明本文结果明显优于文中对比实验的结果,其中熵、互信息参数高于对比方法的融合结果。 The objective of image fusion is aiming at integrating the information of multiple images, eliminating the redundancy and contradiction of image information, in order to form the clear, complete, accurate information of the image. In the wavelet domain image fusion area, this paper puts forward a kind of image fusion method based on regional energy, in the right image after wavelet decomposition, low frequency using the absolute value and law, while the high frequency based on the regional energy integration strategy. The simulation results show that the results are much better than the experimental results, which the entropy, mutual information parameter is higher than the contrast method of fusion result.
出处 《价值工程》 2012年第28期12-14,共3页 Value Engineering
基金 咸阳师范学院大学生创新实验项目(No:2011019) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(No:09JK811) 咸阳师范学院科研基金项目(NO:11XSYK329 08XSYK336 08XSYK339)
关键词 小波分解 图像融合 区域能量 wavlet decomposition image fusion region energy
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