
高效率的多视点视频编码预测结构 被引量:2

Efficient Prediction Structure of Multi-view Video Coding
摘要 预测结构是多视点视频编码(Multi-View Video Coding,MVC)研究的主要内容之一。MVC目前采用HHI(Heinrich-Hertz-Institute)提出的分层次B帧预测结构(HBP),比联播预测结构获得了更好的压缩效率。分析了多种预测结构,并针对平行摄像机采集的多视点视频序列,提出了一种新的预测结构AS_EIPP,该结构充分利用相邻视点间的相关性和多参考帧模式,进一步提高了压缩效率。在多视点视频软件测试平台JMVC8.3上进行验证,实验结果表明:新的预测结构在保证重建视频质量基本不变的前提下,压缩效率比HBP预测结构提高了1%~4%。 Prediction structure is one of the main content in MVC studying. MVC currently takes hierarchical B frame prediction structure presented by HHI, which has better compression efficiency compared to simulcast prediction structure. Various prediction structures are analyzed, and a new prediction structure called AS_EIPP is put forward for the sequences of muhi-view video obtained by parallel cameras. The structure take full advantage of the correlation of adjacent views and modes of multiple reference frames to further improve the compression efficiency. Measures are done on software testing platform for multi-view video called JMVC8.3. The experimental results show that the compression efficiency of the new prediction structure has increased from 1 percent to 4 percent compared to the HBP prediction structure adopted by JMVC under the premise of unchanged reconstructed video quality.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2012年第18期32-35,共4页 Video Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60972037) 广东省部产学研结合项目(2011B090400512) 深圳市基础研究计划项目(JC200903120101A JC201005250067A)
关键词 多视点视频编码 分层次B帧 预测结构 压缩效率 3D视频编码 MVC hierarchical B frame prediction predicture structure compression efficiency 3D video coding
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