
企业家儒商文化特征的一种分析与评价 被引量:4

Analysis and Evaluation on the Confucian Cultural Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
摘要 儒家文化在中国乃至整个东亚、东南亚地区具有深厚的影响,它孕育出了具有东方特色的商人——儒商。儒商是东方商人的佼佼者,也是东方商人的杰出代表。企业家儒商文化特征评价是一个重要但研究不够充分的问题。通过逻辑分析,提炼出反映儒商文化特征的仁、义、礼、智、信、中庸、和为贵、关系八个方面测项。通过探索性因子分析识别测项主因子,对于仁,主因子归纳为对身边人的仁、对社会的仁以及内心仁厚;对于义,归纳为明小义与懂大义;对于礼,归纳为生活中的礼与工作、交往中的礼;对于智,归纳为好学创新,爱动脑筋,讲究悟性,学以致用,知识水平较高;对于信,归纳为诚信可靠讲信用与公开透明。对于中庸,归纳为做事态度中庸与决策方法中庸;对于和为贵,归纳为重视关系的作用以及行事考虑关系;对于关系,归纳为重视关系的作用以及行事考虑社会关系。利用验证性因子分析检验测项结构,确定简单有效的企业家儒商文化特征量表。依据验证性因子分析模型假设及路径回归权重计算,构建企业家儒商文化特征评价模型。应用所建模型对某跨国公司拟聘高管人员的儒商文化特征进行了定量评价。 In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period of ancient China, many schools of thought such as Confucianism, Monism, Daoism and Yin-Yang contended with one another. But as time went on, Confucianism, among all of these, was accepted and approved by a majority of people. A Confucian scholar in the Western Han Dynasty named Dong Zhongshu proposed " One-hundred Schools of thought Deposed, Only Confucianism Re- mained," which was adopted by Hart Wudi, the emperor at that time. Thereby Confucian culture has been the ma- instream of Chinese culture for thousands of years. It is also the most typically oriental culture because the China's great influence in the East brought Confucianism to many Eastern and Southeastern Asian countries like Japan, Ko- rea and Singapore. Out of this culture inoculated Confucian entrepreneurs, businessmen with Oriental characteris- tics, who are deeply rooted in and practice the mainstream of Oriental culture. As the brilliant representatives of Oriental businessmen, Confucian entrepreneurs absorb the essence of the Oriental culture and exert Oriental wisdom in the world stage. Therefore studying and becoming Confucian entrepreneur's means, to a great extent, opening the door to the Oriental business, and mastering the wisdom of Oriental business. With the rapid development of econo- mies in Southeast Asia and China, a more systematic research on Confucian Entrepreneurship appeared, but not so deep and extensive. At present, the academic circle has done much on the origin, connotation and model of Confu- cian entrepreneurs and new Confucian entrepreneurs, but to such a practical and important question as how and to what extent to be a Confucian entrepreneur, that is, the Confucian cultural characteristics of entrepreneurs, much more work is needed. It is an important question to evaluate the Confucian cultural characteristics of entrepreneurs. In the first place, this article gathers eight Confucian cultural factors : kindness, justiciable, gentle, intelligent, faithful, golden mean, harmony, relationship. An investigation on 234 entrepreneurs is conducted and the principal factors are identified through the analysis of exploratory factors. As to kindness, principal factor 1 induces as the kindness to people around himself, principal factor 2 to the society, principal factor 3 in the heart; as to justiciable, princi- pal factor 1 induces as justiciable on small matters, principal factor 2 on big events ; as to gentle, principal factor 1 induces as the gentle in daily life, principal factor 2 in work and societal interactions ; as to intelligence, the princi- pal factor induces as innovative, acquisitive of new knowledge, power of understanding and high level of capability; as to faithful, principal factor 1 induces as honest, reliable and creditworthy, principal factor 2 as transparent and clear; as to golden mean, principal factor 1 induces as golden mean in attitudes, principal factor 2 in methods ; as to harmony, principal factor 1 induces as an emphasis on relationship, principal factor 2 as considering relation- ships in the course of action ; as to relationship, principal factor 1 induces as an emphasis on relationship, principal factor 2 as considering social relationships in the course of action. Choosing the highest load value to represent these principal factors and then analyzing test items with confirmatory factors, a simple and effective scale can be deter- mined; in the last according to the hypothetical model of confirmatory factors and the calculated path regression weight, an evaluation model of Confucian cultural characteristics of entrepreneurs based on the scale above is ob- tained. By applying the evaluation model the Confucian cultural characteristics of some would-be high-level executives whom some international company intends to recruit are evaluated quantitatively. This international company is do- ing business in China and needs an executive who may be trained to be the head of the Chinese branch. Three peo- ple with the similar qualifications do well in several rounds of interviews, which make it hard for the company to make a choice. In order to choose the best, the company decides to evaluate their Confucian cultural characteris- tics, which, if high, the company thinks, signifies a better understanding of doing business in China. According to the scale, the values of Confucian cultural characteristics of these three are 0. 8739,0. 7241 and 0. 5932 respective- ly. It can be considered that the first person is the best for the business in China and hence should be recruited.
作者 王兴元 张鹏
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期180-188,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家软科学计划项目"跨学科交叉创新组织管理机制及案例研究"(2009GXQ6D169) 山东省社科规划项目"齐鲁文化品牌建设策略研究"(08JDC030)
关键词 儒商文化 儒商文化特征 企业家 Confucian culture Confucian culture characteristics entrepreneurs
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