
基于GRASS GIS的家庭牧场网络信息系统应用研究

Study on The Application of GRASS GIS-based Network Information System in Household Pasture
摘要 从事草业工作的基层单位对空间信息技术有着很迫切的需求。本研究从降低专业应用难度的角度,从现实需求出发,分析几种基于GRASS GIS和WEBSERVICE系统架构和特点,选择zoo project框架建立家庭牧场草地信息系统,这个系统的特点是成本低廉、互操作性强、符合OGC WPS协议标准,可在线编辑、查询家庭牧场专题图、实时监测牧场草地生物量的变化,进而制定草畜平衡的标准,评价禁牧、休牧效果。 The people whom work in the basic units have a very urgent need to learn Grass space information technology.In order to simplify the application of the technology,the present paper analyzed several GRASS GIS and WEBSERVICE based on system frameworks and characteristics and selects the zoo project framework to establish information systems for household pasture,the system is low in cost,has good interoperability,and can keep in line with OGC WPS standard protocols,it provides online edit,thematic maps query,grassland biomass real-time monitoring,it's helpful for set up the grass-livestock balance standards,evaluate the effect of grazing prohibition and rest grazing..
出处 《草食家畜》 2012年第3期15-18,共4页 Grass-Feeding Livestock
基金 GEF项目"天山南坡和静县家庭牧场草畜平衡优化模式示范研究" 项目编号:新疆GEF草地项目应用研究09课题 "温性草原波谱数据采集与特征分析"项目(2010018)
关键词 GRASS GIS 开源 ZOO project 家庭牧场 GRASS GIS open source zoo project household pasture
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