
克里普克是否破坏了语义金三角? 被引量:2

Did Kripke Violate the Semantical Golden Triangle?
摘要 分析性、必然性和先验性分属不同的哲学范畴,与之相对应的分别是意义、模态和理性。它们之间既相互区别,又相互联系,最终形成语义金三角关系。学界普遍的看法是,由于克里普克提出了"先验偶然命题"和"后验必然命题",从而打断了金三角的"康德之链",以致使得语义金三角遭到破坏。通过对克里普克的相关论证进行重新考量,可以得出结论:上述两类命题是不存在的,至少克里普克没有给出合适的例证,语义金三角是否遭到破坏还有待考证。 Analyticity, necessity and apriority belong to different philosophical categories, and what corresponds to them is meaning, modality and reason. These notions differ from and relate to each other, and are all important com- ponents of the semantic golden triangle. However, most philosophiers hold that because of the contingent a priori propositions and necessary a posteriori propositions suggested by Kripke, Kant' s link in the golden triangle was bro- ken, therefore, this golden triangle was violated. Through the reexamination of Kripke' s related arguments, we can draw the conclusion that there are no such propositions as suggested by Kripke, at least he did not give proper exam- ples to illustrate his ideas. Whether the semantic golden triangle has been violated is to be proved.
作者 刘东
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期20-25,共6页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目"二维模态逻辑及其哲学问题研究"(12XNH190)
关键词 语义金三角 先验偶然命题 后验必然命题 二维语义理论 the semantic golden triangle contingent a priori propositions necessary a posteriori propositions theoryof two - dimensional semantics
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