

The Origin of Life Based on Dynamism:A Review of Deleuze’s Post - Modernistic Preformation
摘要 德勒兹立足于力本说,主张和坚持先成论,用褶子概念分析了无机物如何通过力的作用过渡到有机物以及有机褶子如何过渡到生命的诞生。他的先成论克服了其他形式的先成论所遭遇到的困境,褶子概念很好地展示了基于力本说上的先成论在解释胚胎的发生和发育时所体现的优越性,从更深层上解释了胚胎的发生和发展,为我们思考生命的起源提供了新的视角。 Deleuze insists on his theoretical tendency called preformation, grounded upon dynamism. Taking advan- tage of the concept of fold, he analyzes how inorganic materials become organic materials and how organic folds de- velop into the naissance of life under the interaction of forces. His theory of preformation overcomes the dilemma characterized by other preformation theories and expounds the birth and development of embryos from a more theori- zing point of view. Especially, the concept of fold can demonstrate the advantage of the theory of preformation in ex- plaining the birth and development of embryos. In short, his theory provides us with a new approach of bout the birth of life. thinking a-
作者 崔增宝
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期58-62,共5页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"从唯心主义欲望观到唯物主义欲望观的转向--德勒兹后现代唯物主义欲望观研究"(11YJC720008)
关键词 先成论 力本说 褶子 the theory of preformation dynamism force fold
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