目的分析医院静脉药物配置中心(PIVAS)抗肿瘤药物应用情况。方法随机抽查2010年1月至12月PIVAS配置的抗肿瘤静脉输液医嘱1 190份,并进行统计分析。结果 1 190份抗肿瘤药物医嘱中,16份不合理,占1.34%,不合理用药有溶剂选择、药物浓度、滴注速度不当等。结论住院患者抗肿瘤药物存在不合理用药情况,药师应充分发挥专业技能,促进抗肿瘤药物的合理应用。
Objective To investigate the application situation of antitumor drugs in the pharmacy intravenous admixture service (PIVAS) of our hospital. Methods A total of 1 190 prescriptions of antitumor drugs intravenous infusion in PIVAS from January to December 2010 were randomly extracted and checked for the statistical analysis. Results Among 1 190 prescriptions of antitumor drugs, 16 cases were irrational and accounted for 1.34%, including improper solvent selection, drug concentration and infusion speed. Conclusion The irrational use of intravenous antitumor drugs in the inpatients exists. The pharmacists should fully play the professional skill to promote the rational application of antitumor drugs.
China Pharmaceuticals