基于加速器中子源的硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)是一种较好的肿瘤治疗技术,通过慢化得到的超热中子可用于非浅表肿瘤BNCT治疗.本文以2.3 MeV、10 mA质子流强的7Li(p,n)7Be中子源为对象,建立了加速器BNCT束流装置模型,采用中子输运程序MCNP研究了慢化体材料对超热中子束流品质的影响.结果表明:采用重水作为慢化体材料可有效的提高束流出口处超热中子水平,对于2.3 MeV、10 mA质子流强的7Li(p,n)7Be中子源,超热中子束流水平为0.669×109n/(cm2.s),超热中子与快中子产额比达62.3,基本达到临床治疗所需109n/(cm2.s)的超热中子水平.
Accelerator based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) was a promissing treat method for tumour, epithermal neutron generated by moderation of source neutron can be used in non-fatial tumour BNCT therapy. Based on 7Li(p,n)7Be neutron source of 2.3 MeV, 10 mA proton accelerator, neutron beam assembly for BNCT was established in this paper. The influence of moderator material on epithermal neutron quality was studied through MCNP simulation. The results show that, DO2 moderator can elevate the epithermal neutron level of beam outlet, for 7 Li (p, n)7 Be neutron source generated by 2.3 MeV, 10 mA proton,epithermal neutron flux reached to 0. 669 × 10^9 n/( cm2 ·s) and epithermal to thermal neutron ratio can reach to 62.3,which met the preliminary requirement (109n/(cm2· s)) in BNCT for clinical useage.
Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology