
Hukou, Labour Markets and the Chinese Developmental State

Hukou, Labour Markets and the Chinese Developmental State
摘要 The East Asian development model ascribes an interventionist role to a state which uses regulations to govern the market in the early stages of devdopment. Many scholars have ascribed this role to the Chinese state in the post- planning era. However, a major difference between China and other East Asian economies is the massive size of China's population. In Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, the role of the state governing labor marl^ets and labor transfers from rural to urban areas has not been considered central to their development model. In China, the size of its rural population has led the Chinese state to take a more proactive approach to governing the labor market and the urbanization process by using the hukou system to institutionalize a temporary laboring class, to guide urbanization to low population density areas and to create competitive residency schemes in desirable urban areas. Such a developmental function differs considerably to the role of the state during the early development of East Asian economies and presents an additional barrier to the realization of a mature market economy and modern polity.
作者 Jason Young
出处 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第3期1-25,共25页 复旦人文社会科学论丛(英文版)
关键词 China labor market hukou DEVELOPMENT 劳动力市场 当代中国 城市化进程 湖口 计划经济 农村人口 早期阶段 中国人口
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