
多基ISAR舰船侧视及俯视高分辨率成像方法 被引量:3

High-resolution Side-view and Top-view Imaging Method of Ship Targets Using Multistatic ISAR
摘要 由于舰船运动的复杂性,获得舰船高分辨率图像一直是雷达成像领域的热点,同时多平台联合监视和作战模式近年来发展迅速。基于上述情况,该文提出了一种多基ISAR舰船成像方法。该方法通过合理布置各平台的高度和方位,综合各平台接收的回波数据后,相比单基雷达可增加平稳成像积累时间,结合最优成像时间段选择,可获得更高分辨的舰船侧视及俯视图像。仿真实验结果验证了该成像方法的有效性。 How to obtain high-resolutxon images of stop targets is an active research area in radar field due to the complexity of tile ship motion. At the same time, multi-platform based surveillance and combat mode is gaining more and more interests in recent years. Based on the above situation, in this paper, a multistatic Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) ship imaging method is presented, the method is capable of increasing the integration time for stationary imaging by deploying the multiple platforms with appropriate altitudes and aspect angles and coherently integrating the echoes received by each platform. Combined with the optimal imaging time selection scheme, this method can obtain side-view or top-view ship images with higher-resolution as compared to the monostatic radar. Simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of our multistatic ISAR ship imaging method.
出处 《雷达学报(中英文)》 2012年第2期163-170,共8页 Journal of Radars
基金 国家自然科学基金(61001151)资助课题
关键词 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR) 舰船 多基 侧视 俯视 Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) Ship targets Multistatic Side-view Top-view
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