以广州数控GSK 983M数控铣床为例,介绍了UG NX7.5软件中的二次开发工具NX PostBuilder7.5进行二次开发的一般方法,并定制了适合于GSK 983M机床专用的后处理器。实际证明,在UG7.5后处理时以该专用后处理器转换的NC代码能直接在GSK 983M上加工。
The secondary development process of UG NX PostBuilder7.5 is introduced,and the special postproeessor for GSK 983M numerical control system based on UG NX 7.5 is developed in this paper. The validity of the special postproeessor is proved through actual operation that the NC program, exported from it can be fit for the GSK 983M numerical control system without any modification.
Mechanical Research & Application