约翰·狄,英国伊丽莎白一世时期的神秘人物,不仅是数学家、占卜师,还是伊丽莎白女王一世的近亲顾问,以他的生平为原型而作的歌剧《狄博士》,是由戴蒙·阿尔本(Damon Albarn)携手罗福斯·诺里斯(Rufus Norris)共同完成的。尽管在去年曼彻斯特国际音乐节上进行了首演,但是作品并未就此停止被修改的脚步,比如其中除了增加歌曲以及配乐分量,还将诺里斯作品一贯的优雅之风嵌入其中。随着演出地点迁至英国皇家歌剧院,作品又相继做了改动,
Since it was first seen at the Manchester Festival last year, Damon Albarn and Rufus Norris's opera built around the life and work of John Dee—the 16th-century mathematician,alchemist,spy and advisor to EUzabeth I—has been fleshed out and revised.In its transfer to the Coliseum under English National Opera's auspices,Dr.Dee seems to have lost its original subtitle,though as an English opera,its hugely imaginative and energetic staging still underscores that aspect of the work and its focus on a particularly home-grown form of battiness.