[目的]了解潍坊市吸附白喉破伤风联合疫苗(白破二联疫苗)漏种与补种情况,为降低白喉、破伤风发病提供科学依据。[方法]2009~2010年,对潍坊市1997年1月1日至2002年12月31日出生的儿童进行调查,对未接种者进行补种。[结果]调查目标儿童510 990人,查出漏种白破二联疫苗的240 255人,漏种率为47.02%,补种229 209人,补种率为95.40%。其中常住儿童漏种232 630人,补种221 874人,补种率为95.38%;流动儿童漏种7 625人,补种7 335人,补种率为96.20%。[结论]潍坊市6~12岁儿童白破二联疫苗漏种率较高,本次补种率达到95%以上。
[Objective]To understand the occurrence of missing vaccination and supplementary immunization of adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus combined vaccine in Weifang city,2009-2010, so as to provide the scientific basis for reducing infection of diphtheria and tetanus. [Methods]The children who were born from January 1,1997 to December 31,2002 were surveyed, children who missed vaccination were vaccinated. [Results]There were 240 255 children of missing vaccination in a total of 510 990 targeted children, the missing vaccination rate was 47.02 %. 229 209 children of missing vaccination.were vaccinated, the supplementary immunization rate was 95.40%. In total targeted children, there were 232 630 resident chil- dren of missing vaccination, 221 874 children were vaccinated, the supplementary immunization rate was 95.38% ; there were 7 625 floating children of missing vaccination, 7 335 were vaccinated, the supplementary immunization rate was 96.20 %. [Conclusion]The missing vaccination rate of adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus combined vaccine is higher among children aged from 6 to 12 years old,but the supplementary immunization rate is up to 95% or more.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Diaphtheria and tetanus conbined vaccine
Missing vaccination
Supplementary immunization