
SNAP程序在核电厂安全分析中的应用 被引量:3

The Application of SNAP to NPP Safety Anlysis
摘要 SNAP程序是由NRC资助开发的用于简化分析过程的软件,本文对SNAP程序进行了详细的介绍,并利用SNAP程序与RELAP5/MOD3.3程序对某典型四环路压水堆进行模拟,描述了SNAP程序在核电厂安全分析中应用的特点,并对关键现象进行分析。研究表明,SNAP程序的应用可以大大简化程序建模和数据处理过程,并能直观实时的观测计算结果,在核电厂安全分析中应用的前景广泛。 Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package (SNAP) consists of a suite of integrated applications designed to simplify the process of performing engineering analysis.It is developed by The Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NP, C). In this paper, SNAP cede is introduced in details, a typical four loops PWR with SNAP and RELAP5/MOD3.3 is simulated, the application specialty of SNAP Code in safety analysis is discussed, and typical phenomena is analysed. Research shows, SNAP has its application prospect, as by the use of it, the procedure of model building and data processing would be simplified greatly, and the results could be observed directly in real time.
出处 《中国科技信息》 2012年第18期78-79,共2页 China Science and Technology Information
关键词 SNAP程序 核电厂安全分析 图形化分析程序 SNAP Code NPP Safety anlysis graphics analysiscode
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